I’m Palak and this is my portfolio.
I am a strong advocate for systemic approach to design and believe that designers hold crucial roles and responsibilities within our transitioning societies.

Some of the clients, collaborations and partnerships (2015 - present)
I’m a trans-disciplinary designer + researcher currently based in Oslo, Norway. I work at the intersection of design, systems and futures.
This past decade I’ve worked and lived in more than eight cities and three countries.
I’m a recipient of two international fellowships and have previously worked with start-ups, design studios, non-for-profit organisations on projects within healthcare, employability and education.
At present, I’m a systems design lead for Nordics and senior service designer at Fjord / Accenture Song, Oslo.
Unless otherwise stated, all material on this website is original work product by Palak Dudani. Under no circumstances may the information contained in this compilation be commercially used, including but not limited to
re-ciculation, modification, unauthorized storage or reference.
Photo credits in this series:
Ernesto Ferreira, Amit Zilberstein, Lieke Van Rann, Annika Gage, Alexia Kondyliou, Preeti Thapa, Alvar Aronjia, Arjun Sanyal and Alex Asensi.
Ernesto Ferreira, Amit Zilberstein, Lieke Van Rann, Annika Gage, Alexia Kondyliou, Preeti Thapa, Alvar Aronjia, Arjun Sanyal and Alex Asensi.
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